How To - Basic All Up

This page shows the detailed step by step of the basic usage of the comb, and the style that is used to illustrate is the All Up (Bun) style.

Step 1
Hold all your hair in a ponytail.
NOTE: The lower the better, to allow space for twirling the hair upwards.

Step 2
Turn and twirl the ponytail into a straight rod like.
NOTE: Rod works better than a bun, as it will leave more space for the comb to engage.

Step 3
Push one of the comb in behind the hair.

Step 4
Press it in all the way, tightly.

Step 5
Put your fingers through the beads as per photo.

Step 6
Hold your hair with the hand through the beads.

Step 7
Pull the other comb over the other side.

Step 8
Push the comb into the back of your hair, towards the comb that is tightly pressed in, at Step 4.

Step 9
Ensure that the combs are engaged together, as per diagrams here. Press them together tightly, to ensure a proper grip.

Step 10
Ensure the combs are straight and the beads are proper.


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